Spinal Confusion

...an attempt to clarify confusing and innacurate information in science articles

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The First Step

September is the last month that any bills will be considered by Congress during this session, so we should try to have the vill voted on during the month. Write your Congressmen and urge them to bring the bill out of committee to a vote. They are home right now, so call their local office and see if you can set up a face-to-face meeting with them to discuss the bill. (Talking points will be created.)

Every Congressmen is important in this endeavor. The bill is currently stuck in the Health subcommittees of the House Veteran's Affairs Committee and Energy and Commerce Committee, as well as the full Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. If anyone from your state is on one of these committees, it would be important to contact them and see what can be done to get the bill moving.

Christopher Reeve's birthday was September 25, so let's push for it to be on Bush's desk by that date.